Are electric cars the future?
Electric vehicles could make up as much as nearly half of global car sales by 2035, and our analysts forecast that more advanced autonomous or partially autonomous vehicles will make up the same share of sales just five years later. It's a fundamental shift, upending labor markets, supply chains, and commodity markets.Yes, hydrogen cars are way better than electric cars in terms of zero harmful emissions, quick refueling, and longer driving range.In general, you can expect the lifespan of an EV's battery pack to be at least 10 years or 100,000 miles.

Are electric cars a sustainable future : With the ability to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and decrease reliance on fossil fuels, electric cars are paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Will electric vehicles last

An electric car will last as long as a car with an internal combustion engine (ICE), if not longer, because electric vehicles (EVs) don't have all the mechanical components of an ICE vehicle. In other words, there are more things that can wear out or go wrong in an ICE car than in an EV.

Will electric cars save the planet : “EVs are going to eliminate the end-of-tailpipe emissions. Yes, absolutely. But they're not going to eliminate all emissions,” Adams says. “It's really important that people recognize, from a community health perspective, that electric vehicles aren't going to save us from these particles being generated.

So will hydrogen cars overtake traditional EVs "The answer is no," Michael Liebreich, the founder of the analyst firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said to The Guardian.

Currently, most hydrogen is produced using fossil fuels, which defeats the purpose of reducing carbon emissions. The production of hydrogen using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, is not yet commercially viable on a large scale.

How long until cars are fully electric

Auto manufacturer conversions

Automakers are working on converting their offerings to all-electric vehicles, but their timetables for conversion differ. Some have committed to ending gasoline car sales by 2035; others may take until 2045-2050 to get there unless required by law.According to current industry expectations, EV batteries are projected to last between 100,000 and 200,000 miles, or about 15 to 20 years. However, even when EV batteries do age, their large initial capacity combined with minor losses in battery capacity means the aging is nearly imperceptible to drivers.“EVs are going to eliminate the end-of-tailpipe emissions. Yes, absolutely. But they're not going to eliminate all emissions,” Adams says. “It's really important that people recognize, from a community health perspective, that electric vehicles aren't going to save us from these particles being generated.

An electric car will last as long as a car with an internal combustion engine (ICE), if not longer, because electric vehicles (EVs) don't have all the mechanical components of an ICE vehicle. In other words, there are more things that can wear out or go wrong in an ICE car than in an EV.

Will an EV last 20 years : Of the EVs like some Tesla models and the Nissan Leaf that have been around for more than eight years, very few of the batteries have been replaced, implying that the lifetime of an EV battery, with proper care, could be more than ten and perhaps as much as 20 years.

What happens to electric car batteries after 10 years : Yes, when EV batteries reach the end of their working life, they will be recycled. In the US, when the typical 8- to 10-year battery warranty has expired, most EV providers can reuse the batteries for a second or third time.

Why are electric cars not the future

While bigger batteries allow drivers to travel farther between charges, they also make the cars heavier, more dangerous, more expensive, and worse for the planet. The "range anxiety" that has resulted in massive batteries is another reason EVs don't work as a replacement for gas cars.

Electric vehicle infrastructure requires a lot of resources

To run, EVs require six times the mineral input, by weight, of conventional vehicles; primarily aluminum, nickel, cobalt, manganese and lithium.The Problem

While hydrogen itself is a clean fuel, the process of extracting it is, at present, not climate-friendly and very energy-intensive. Depending on the method and technology used, extracting it may use more energy than it provides as a fuel. Production of hydrogen from coal and natural gas also releases CO2.

Why are hydrogen cars not popular : There is a severe lack of infrastructure for hydrogen cars, with refuelling stations few and far between. This scarcity makes it difficult for consumers to refuel their vehicles, limiting the practicality and convenience of owning a hydrogen fuel car.