Can we convert story to task?
Here's how we typically split stories into tasks:

  1. Understand the user story.
  2. Identify the tasks.
  3. Use "INVEST" Criteria: Keep in mind the INVEST criteria while splitting tasks:
  4. Estimate the effort.
  5. Break down complex tasks.
  6. Prioritize the tasks.
  7. Communicate the tasks to the team.

User stories with examples and a template. User stories are development tasks often expressed as “persona + need + purpose.”Breaking down the story into tasks forces you to think about how you will approach the story. It also forces you to consider whether testing or revisions are needed before you can take the next step.

What is the difference between a story and a task : Tasks are generally smaller and more concrete than stories, and are used to track progress towards completing the work defined in a story. While stories and tasks serve different purposes, they are intimately connected.

Can we convert story to task in Jira

Yes, you can change the task into story or story into task. You need to just click on the icon and select issue type as shown below in screenshot.

How do I create a task from a story in Jira : View when you come to create an issue you'll have the same drop down option here. And then when you do have an epic.

If you go to edit the ticket or click on the issue type on the ticket – it should allow you to change the issue type from "Story" to a " Task".

You can not add a task under a story. You can add sub-tasks and that's it. Not sure if there is an add-on in JIRA cloud or not but JIRA Server has options like Structure which can bring in a hierarchy inside JIRA.

Why break user stories into tasks

User story splitting might seem too nitty-gritty, but it's a valuable activity for Agile teams for a few different reasons, primarily: Story splitting user stories avoids overwhelm by giving the team smaller, more manageable pieces of work. Story splitting helps teams deliver value to customers early and often.Story points are an estimation technique used in Agile project management methodologies to help your team scope the effort required to complete a task. Story points account for factors like task complexity and uncertainty, which makes them more accurate than other estimation techniques such as time-based estimation.Yes, you can change the task into story or story into task. You need to just click on the icon and select issue type as shown below in screenshot. Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.

Under a standard issuetype (Story or something else) you can have any sub_task issuetype. So you cannot have Story and Task under it. You can add level above Epic if you have Advanced Roadmap but cannot alterate the core Hiearchy between Epic to Sub-Task.

How do I convert a story to a sub task in Jira : If your story has sub-tasks, move them to appropriate parent ticket or create a parent ticket and then move them. Now convert your story to a sub-task. i.e. Open ticket –> click on Issue type Icon –> select our sub-task ticket type.

Should I use stories or tasks in Jira : Both Stories and Tasks are part of the Jira software. You will want to use a Story to encapsulate an issue, and Tasks to represent the to-dos to be completed in order to resolve the issue.

Can I change a Jira story to a task

If you go to edit the ticket or click on the issue type on the ticket – it should allow you to change the issue type from "Story" to a " Task".

Tasks in Jira are at the same level as Story and Bug (defect), and so can only be connected with links, as @Kristján Geir Mathiesen describes. Sub-tasks are child items of a Story, Task, or Bug.Jira Tasks are part of a Story, and function as single to-dos that are generally completed by one person in a day or less. Whereas a Story will express a goal or end result, a Task is a responsibility or step in the process. Stories may consist of multiple Tasks, which may be done in tandem or in sequential order.

What is the difference between story and task in agile : A story is something that is generally worked on by more than one person, and a task is generally worked on by just one person. A user story is typically functionality that will be visible to end users.