Do I need to be FSC certified?
Environmental Protection – FSC's forest management standards expand protection of water quality, prohibit harvest of rare old-growth forest, prevent loss of natural forest cover and prohibit highly hazardous chemicals, which are all unique aspects of the system.The Forest Stewardship Council mission is to promote environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically prosperous management of the world's forests. Our vision is that we can meet our current needs for forest products without compromising the health of the world's forests for future generations.The general process will include the following steps:

  1. Choose an FSC-accredited certification body. Only third-party, accredited certification bodies can conduct audits and certify your organization.
  2. Submit an application.
  3. Complete an assessment.
  4. Complete FSC Check.
  5. Receive approval.
  6. Complete an annual audit.

What does it mean if a product is FSC certified : FSC certification enables businesses and consumers to choose wood, paper and other forest products made with materials from well-managed forests and/or recycled sources.

Who needs FSC

Any company involved in the processing or transformation of FSC-certified products (e.g. manufacturing, repackaging, or re-labelling) must obtain chain of custody certification to apply an FSC label to their products and/or sell them with an FSC claim.

What is the problem with FSC certification : And in a 2021 blogpost, U.K.-based NGO Earthsight highlighted problems at FSC-certified concessions ranging from forest destruction to human rights abuses. These problems, NGOs say, stem from systematic flaws that allow companies with questionable records on human rights and deforestation to benefit from certification.

These are laws that ban the trading of timber that is harvested illegally anywhere on the planet. To prevent the purchase and sale of timber products connected to illegal harvesting, these governments require companies to apply due diligence.

Group FSC certification fees are $1,695 per year inclusive of travel for auditors and group managers. For companies with $5 – $100 million per year in sales, the cost ranges from $4,175 to $5,055 for Single Certification.

Can I use the FSC logo on my packaging

Printed materials and packaging can only carry an FSC label if they are produced and labelled under a valid FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) certificate. To check FSC certificates you can use the FSC international database: certification can apply to a variety of pulp and paper products including: Pulp: mechanical pulp, dissolving pulp. Paper: printing paper, paperboard, paper towels, notebooks, envelopes, books, magazines, catalogues and wallpaper.The difference between FSC paper and non-FSC paper is that if it is the same paper, the same brand, and the same specification, the quality of FSC and non-FSC is the same. However, in terms of material sources, the raw materials used in FSC paper are controlled.

The certification process takes approximately 6-8 weeks depending on the size and complexity of your operation. The largest component of this is audit preparation. If you have already developed your FSC procedures, certification audits can take place in a rushed format for an additional fee.

Is FSC really good : The FSC certification is considered the “gold standard” designation for wood harvested from forests that are responsibly managed, socially beneficial, environmentally conscious and economically viable.

How trustworthy is FSC : Compared to other types of organisations, consumers have the highest confidence in FSC, which is significantly higher than businesses2 or governments. 62% of consumers who recognise FSC claim they would choose FSC-certified products over non-certified equivalents.

What is FSC in Europe

Free Sales Certificates (FSC) A Free Trade Certificate, or Free Sales Certificate, is a certificate issued by EU competent authorities to facilitate market entry into other markets worldwide. Compliance with the EU requirements often grants access to many other countries outside the EU.

Board of Commissioners

The FSC is governed by a Board of Commissioners established by law and consists of a Chairman, and up to nine other Commissioners including the Executive Director who is appointed by the other Commissioners. The other Commissioners are appointed by the Minister of Finance and Planning.The Forest Stewardship Council was established to create an international system for certifying sustainable wood. But critics say it has had minimal impact on tropical deforestation and at times has served only to provide a cover for trafficking in illegal timber.

Can anyone use the FSC logo : Only organizations that have signed the licence and paid their yearly trademark service fee, where applicable, may use the trademarks for promotional purposes. All materials in which you wish to use the FSC trademarks and promotional texts or claims must be submitted for approval before printing or public release.