Does RDP use both UDP and TCP?
RDP servers are built into the server and professional editions of Windows operating systems but not home editions; an RDP server for Unix and OS X also exists (for example xrdp). By default, the server listens on TCP port 3389 and UDP port 3389.Actually, Remote Desktop requires TCP port 3389 to be open. Also, opening UDP port 3389 enables acceleration since RDP 8.0 (e.g. Windows 7 with RDP 8 Update, Windows 8, or Windows 10). In other words, if you use the former version of RDP (before RDP 8.0), then TCP will be the only protocol that can be used.Go to "Computer Configuration" -> "Administrative Templates" -> "Windows Components" -> "Remote Desktop Services" -> "Remote Desktop Session Host" -> "Connections" ( Connections). 5. Find the Select RDP Transport Protocols option and set it to Enabled, and in the options select Use only TCP.

Is RDP a transport layer protocol : The Reliable Data Protocol (RDP) is a network transport protocol defined in RFC 908 and was updated in RFC 1151. It is meant to provide facilities for remote loading, debugging and bulk transfer of images and data. The Reliable Data Protocol is an IP protocol, on the same layer as TCP and UDP.

What protocol is used in RDP

RDP Definition

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), a secure network communication protocol offered by Microsoft, allows users to execute remote operations on other computers.

What type of protocol is RDP : secure network communications protocol

Remote desktop protocol (RDP) is a secure network communications protocol developed by Microsoft. It enables network administrators to remotely diagnose problems that individual users encounter and gives users remote access to their physical work desktop computers.

Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: UDP Transport Extension, which extends the transport mechanisms in the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to enable network connectivity between the user's machine and a remote computer system over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Well-known ports

194 Yes
199 Yes
201 Yes
209 Yes Assigned

Why does RDP use UDP

Because it doesn't check for ordering or confirm receipt of packets – your program receives the packets as they arrive. No waiting confirmations. You want to use UDP when low latency is critical and the messages are small, and your program is tolerant to missing packets and out of order packets.Remote Desktop requires TCP port 3389 to be open. Also, opening UDP port 3389 enables acceleration since RDP 8.0.Use the lsof command, a variant of the netstat -af command to identify TCP sockets that are in the LISTEN state and idle UDP sockets that are waiting for data to arrive.


Among the two most common transport protocols on the Internet, TCP is reliable and UDP isn't. HTTP therefore relies on the TCP standard, which is connection-based. Before a client and server can exchange an HTTP request/response pair, they must establish a TCP connection, a process which requires several round-trips.

What is the RDP UDP ratio : Milk production: With regard to milk production, also, the RDP : UDP ratio in the diet has been suggested to vary from 85 : 15 to 80 : 20 as the metabolizability of the diet increases from 0.5 to 0.7 for a cow weighing 400 kg and yielding 10 litres of milk/day of 4.9% fat.

Is SSH using TCP or UDP : TCP

SSH uses TCP, not UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Unlike TCP, UDP is a connectionless protocol, which means it doesn't make sure the recipient is ready to receive files before sending them. As a result, data can arrive out of order, in pieces or not at all. Although SSH typically uses TCP, it doesn't have to.

Does DNS use TCP or UDP

DNS has always been designed to use both UDP and TCP port 53 from the start 1 , with UDP being the default, and fall back to using TCP when it is unable to communicate on UDP, typically when the packet size is too large to push through in a single UDP packet.

Yes, TCP and UDP ports are different, but they sometimes use the same port number. For example, UDP/53 and TCP/53 are both used for DNS, but they are different connection types. TCP ports comply with transmission control protocols, while UDP ports comply with user datagram protocols.DNS is referred to as 'Domain Name System'. It operates on the port 53 of TCP and UDP protocols. DNS makes use of relational databases to link the host names of the computers or networks to their respective IP Addresses. The port 53 waits for requests from DHCP to transfer the data over the network.

How do I know if I am using TCP or UDP : Use the lsof command, a variant of the netstat -af command to identify TCP sockets that are in the LISTEN state and idle UDP sockets that are waiting for data to arrive.