How to make SDK in Java?
To generate the Java SDK of an API in API Gateway

  1. For Service Name, specify the name of your SDK.
  2. For Java Package Name, specify a package name for your SDK.
  3. For Java Build System, enter maven or gradle to specify the build system.
  4. For Java Group Id, enter a group identifier for your SDK project.

To use the AWS SDK for Java, you must have:

  1. You must be able to sign in to the AWS access portal available in the AWS IAM Identity Center.
  2. A suitable installation of Java.
  3. Temporary credentials set up in your local shared credentials file.

To build an SDK, we have a few concrete steps:

  1. Design of the SDK.
  2. Implement the design.
  3. Test the SDK.
  4. Write reference guides and sample code.
  5. Publish the SDK on the right platform.
  6. And maintain it regularly.

How can we create SDK : 10 Best Practices For SDK Generation

  1. Consider the Developer.
  2. Stick With a Naming Convention.
  3. Reduce Authentication Complexity.
  4. Transform Endpoints Into SDK Methods.
  5. Define Data Models.
  6. Include Logging.
  7. Establish a Persistent HTTP Connection.
  8. Include Code Snippets.

How to use SDK in Java

Get started with the AWS SDK for Java 2. x

  1. Step 1: Set up for this tutorial.
  2. Step 2: Create the project.
  3. Step 3: Write the code.
  4. Step 4: Build and run the application.

What is Amazon SDK in Java : The AWS SDK for Java provides a Java API for Amazon Web Services infrastructure services. Using the SDK, you can build applications on top of Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB, and more.

Creating an SDK has never been easier. All you need to do is design the API specification and the APIMatic code generator does the rest. Through a rhythmic dance of clicks, you can get a well-tested, thoroughly documented, and automatically maintained SDK.

On the APIs page, select the API resource for which you want to generate an SDK. On the API Details page, select SDKs from the Resources list, and then click Create SDK.

How to set up SDK

How To Install Android SDK Tools On Windows

  1. Step 1 – Download SDK Tools.
  2. Step 2 – Install Command Line Tools.
  3. Step 3 – Install Platform Tools.
  4. Step 4 – Configure Environment Variable.
  5. Step 5 – Configure Commands.
  6. Step 6 – Using the SDK Manager.
  7. Step 7 – Using the Emulator and AVD Manager.

You can download the latest OpenJDK release of Java from Oracle, for free, under an open source license from Oracle JDK 8 and Oracle JDK 11 are free for Personal, Development and other uses. Oracle JDK 17 and later release are available under a Oracle No-Fee Terms and Conditions License for all users.A Software Development Kit, or an SDK, is a collection of tools that you need to develop an application for a specific software framework. For example, to develop applications in Java, you need a Java SDK (JDK). SDKs contain binaries, source code for the binaries, and documentation for the source code.

10 Best Practices For SDK Generation

  1. Consider the Developer.
  2. Stick With a Naming Convention.
  3. Reduce Authentication Complexity.
  4. Transform Endpoints Into SDK Methods.
  5. Define Data Models.
  6. Include Logging.
  7. Establish a Persistent HTTP Connection.
  8. Include Code Snippets.

What is SDK in Java : A Software Development Kit, or an SDK, is a collection of tools that you need to develop an application for a specific software framework. For example, to develop applications in Java, you need a Java SDK (JDK).

Where to get Java SDK : JDK Development Kit 17.0.10 downloads

Product/file description File size Download
x64 Installer 153.55 MB ( sha256)
x64 MSI Installer 152.34 MB ( sha256)


The JVM SDK enables developers to use Java 8 methods and objects to communicate with the Composable Commerce API rather than using plain HTTP calls.

There has been a lot of confusion lately about Java and its available SDKs (Software Development Kits). You might've heard the Java SDK called the JDK. They're one and the same.Adding an SDK to your API can provide significant benefits for both developers and API providers. It simplifies the integration process, improves the developer experience, increases adoption, makes maintenance and upgrades easier, and improves security.

Is Java SDK still free : On September 14, 2021, Oracle declared that Java 17 and future Java versions are now available for free once more. However, you may still need a license for older versions.