Is foreign language a correct term?
If your cousin Ben visited from Spain, you wouldn't say “Ben is a foreigner.” You would say “Ben is from Spain” or “Ben is from another country.” In the same way, calling a language “foreign” is not as accurate or considerate as calling it a “world language.” Classifying languages as “foreign” simply because they don't …A second language (L2) is a language spoken in addition to one's first language (L1). A second language may be a neighbouring language, another language of the speaker's home country, or a foreign language.A foreign language is a language that is not an official language of, nor typically spoken in, a specific country. Native speakers from that country usually need to acquire it through conscious learning, such as through language lessons at school, self-teaching, or attending language courses.

Is foreign language a noun : The earliest known use of the noun foreign language is in the mid 1500s. OED's earliest evidence for foreign language is from 1555, in a translation by R. Pownall. foreign language is formed within English, by compounding.

What is the best way to say foreign language

Synonyms for foreign language in English

  • foreign tongue.
  • additional language.
  • different language.
  • alternative language.
  • second language.
  • auxiliary language.
  • alternative.
  • alternate.

What is politically correct English as a second language : ELL

As such, ELL is becoming a more popular and politically correct term to ESL, especially by educators. Furthermore, ELL also encompasses students who are learning English as an academic necessity. For example, ELL may refer to a student's academic performance in English-language subject classes.

That makes the term “ESL” technically incorrect. As such, ELL is becoming a more popular and politically correct term to ESL, especially by educators. Furthermore, ELL also encompasses students who are learning English as an academic necessity.

If I need a passport I am travelling to a foreign country, one different from my own, the UK. 'Foreign' is not redundant but necessary to be clear. I suppose you could say 'I am going to visit a different country' or 'another country' but I think most people would say 'a foreign country'.

Why is it called foreign language

A foreign language is a language not widely spoken and used by the people of a community / society / nation. For example, Spanish is a foreign language in Canada. Language not native to the speaker or to the country. A language that is not commonly spoken in the country of the speaker.Native language is the first language acquired from birth or childhood, a second language is an additional language learned later in life, and a foreign language is a language that is not commonly spoken in one's native community or country.Foreign-language Sentence Examples. It was required to be proficient in a foreign language. His criticism had the singular advantage of being in some sort foreign, without the disadvantage which attaches in French eyes to all criticism of things French written in a foreign language.

Technically speaking, Learning a FL is learning a language that is not generally spoken in the surrounding community Page 3 and learning an L2 is learning a language that is spoken in the surrounding community.

What do you call a person who knows foreign languages : Polygot. The person who knows and studies several languages is called a Polyglot.

Which is the most beautiful foreign language : And the most beautiful languages in the world are…

  • FRENCH – MOST BEAUTIFUL SPOKEN LANGUAGE. If there is a language which draws a unanimous worldwide consent regarding its beauty, it is French.

Why English is a second or foreign language

Why did the English language become a second language of the world As blunt as it is, it's because of colonialism. The English empire was the most dominant naval force throughout the world while much of the world was not so interconnected, like it is today.

In a nutshell, 'political correctness' means avoiding language and actions that insult, exclude or harm people who are already experiencing disadvantage and discrimination.Differences between ESL and EFL

ESL learners typically have more exposure and practice with English than EFL learners, and they may have more difficulty in developing their reading and writing skills. EFL learners usually learn English for instrumental reasons, such as academic, professional, or personal purposes.

Is English is a foreign language : According to this theory, English is a native language in the inner circle (ENL), a second language in the outer circle (ESL), and a foreign language in the expanding circle (EFL). As English spreads globally, more countries are added to the circles.