Is IFS GFSI certified?
The International Featured Standard (IFS) is a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked standard for manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, agents and brokers.We can compare the International Food Standard (IFS) with the BRC, but it is mainly seen as the German/French equivalent. BRC stands for British Retail Consortium. In 2003 this professional association of distributors set a specific standard for better food safety and the control of food products.The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is a non-profit association of industry experts committed to improving food safety along the value chain. The GFSI approves a number of food safety standards covering farming, packaging, storage and distribution.

What is IFS accreditation : International Featured Standard (IFS) Food is a GFSI-recognised standard for certifying the safety and quality of food products and production processes. The standardized IFS Food evaluation system helps to reduce the need for repeat audits, which saves you time and money.

Why has IFS been suspended from GFSI

On 8th December 2022, GFSI announced the suspension of International Featured Standards (IFS) a GFSI recognised CPO for a period of 3 months following identified breaches of GFSI benchmarking requirements, GFSI Governance Rules and the GFSI and CPO Benchmarking agreement.

Do I need GFSI certification : Becoming GFSI certified not only helps to ensure compliance with industry standards and reduce risk exposure associated with food safety, but it also provides added credibility and recognition from customers, suppliers, and peers.

The BRCGS Standard for Food Safety, was the first Standard to be recognised by GFSI in 2000.

The IFS is quite like the BRCGS Standard – in that the clauses are fairly prescriptive. So, if you like clarity, then this is probably the Standard for you. The FSSC Standard is much more vague. It tells you the intention of what is needed and it's up to you to build something that works for your business.

What does it mean if a company is GFSI certified

GFSI stands for The Global Food Safety Initiative. It is a business-driven initiative for the development of food safety management systems to ensure food facilities are processing safe food for consumers.ISO 22000 would not meet the GFSI benchmark requirements and so is not GFSI 'approved'. It is however part of the FSSC 22000 Certification scheme which has met GFSI Benchmark requirements.IFS certification has the most number of countries which include Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Belgium, France, and Poland. IFS is one of the most popular certification standards, especially in Europe, in total 47% of the food accreditation are IFS.

IFS Food is an international standard for assessing product and process compliance in relation to food safety and quality. The IFS Food standard applies to suppliers at all steps of food processing subsequent to the agricultural stage. IFS food meets the criteria of the Global Food Safety Initiative – GFSI.

What is the controversy with IFS : Critics argue that while IFS provides a valuable internal focus, it may not fully account for the impact of external factors such as social, economic, and environmental conditions.

What is the disadvantage of IFS : The only disadvantage comes if you have issues with traveling, or personal or family issues. An officer is expected to attend several diplomatic meetings abroad on a regular basis in the county in which he/she is posted. Approx two-thirds of the life of an IFS officer is spent abroad, and only one-third in India.

Is GFSI the same as BRC

GFSI acknowledges recognition of food safety certification programmes to defined requirements using its Benchmarking Requirements. GFSI do not offer certification. BRC publish a family of standards referred to as BRC Global Standards and organisations can be certified as being compliant with one of these standards.

BRC Global Standard (BRCGS) Certification

It's one of the most common GFSI certifications worldwide: Accepted by 70% of the top 10 retailers. Accepted by 60% of the top 10 quick-service restaurants. Adopted by more than 22,000 sites in 130 countries.GFSI acknowledges recognition of food safety certification programmes to defined requirements using its Benchmarking Requirements. GFSI do not offer certification. BRC publish a family of standards referred to as BRC Global Standards and organisations can be certified as being compliant with one of these standards.

Is GFSI and FSSC the same : The main difference between the two certifications is that the FSSC 22000 scheme, in contrast to the ISO standard, is recognized by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). GFSI recognition demonstrates that the scheme meets the highest standards globally leading to international food industry acceptance.