Should I use distinct or distinctive?
Distinct means easily separable or discrete, but distinctive is used to describe a unique feature or quality belonging to one person or thing. Often, distinct is used to describe two or more items or groups. Distinctive qualities are what help make people or things distinct.A bird is distinct from a dog. Distinctive relates to the characteristics of something which make it different from something else. Peacocks have distinctive tail feathers. Distinguished is either an adjective, and means that person has an air about them that makes you feel they are important in some way.Distinct means clear, so distinctive means having the quality of clarity, easily recognised for what it is. To distinguish means to tell apart, to identify.

What is the difference between distinctively and distinctly : Thus, "distinctively" is used when someone said something "in a special way" for a special effect, such as distinguishment, while "distinctly" is clearly, or unmistakably. He spoke distinctively/He spoke in a manner that was notable for its difference/in a manner so that he can distinguish something he is saying.

Why not use distinct

Using SELECT DISTINCT can be computationally expensive, especially when dealing with large datasets or multiple joins. The SQL engine has to compare each row against every other row to remove duplicates, which can significantly slow down query performance.

What is a good sentence for distinct : Examples of distinct in a Sentence

There are three distinct categories. Each herb has its own distinct flavor. The phrase has three distinct meanings. There was the distinct smell of something burning.

Hi, unique and distinct are not the same. Unique means values that exist only once in the dataset, distinct means values that are repeated several times.

/dɪsˈtɪŋgwɪʃt/ Being distinguished is a good thing: it implies good behavior, sharp dress, and an excellent reputation. Distinguished people are respected. When we say someone is distinguished, we're expressing respect for them.

What is the difference between distinct and unique

S.No. The UNIQUE keyword in SQL prevents two records from having identical values in a column. The DISTINCT keyword in SQL helps to eliminate duplicate values while retrieving the data. Use the UNIQUE keyword if you're ever in a situation where you want to treat two NULL values differently from one another.distinct adjective (NOTICEABLE)

clearly noticeable; that certainly exists: There's a distinct smell of cigarettes in here. Fewer examples. The sales chart shows a distinct decline in the past few months. There's a distinct possibility that I'll be asked to give a speech.What is another word for distinctly

clearly plainly
discernibly transparently
specifically strikingly
unequivocally explicitly
unambiguously categorically

The DISTINCT keyword can offer several advantages, such as improving the quality and accuracy of your data by eliminating duplicates, simplifying and reducing the size of your result set, and performing calculations on unique values.

Does distinct slow down queries : Does select distinct slow down a query Yes, as SELECT DISTINCT nearly always involves an active sort of the query's initial result set in order to figure out the “distinct” rows.

Is distinct good or bad : Using DISTINCT often could be a sign that tables aren't optimized for relational data. Always try to find better ways to return rows if you use DISTINCT often in SQL queries. Even though DISTINCT reduces performance, it's not considered bad practice for every type of query.

What is the synonym of distinct

Some common synonyms of distinct are apparent, clear, evident, manifest, obvious, patent, and plain. While all these words mean "readily perceived or apprehended," distinct implies such sharpness of outline or definition that no unusual effort to see or hear or comprehend is required.

adjective. distinguished as not being the same; not identical; separate (sometimes followed by from): His private and public lives are distinct. different in nature or quality; dissimilar (sometimes followed by from): Gold is distinct from iron.Distinguished is a word of respect that we tend to use when speaking in positive terms: a distinguished gentleman, a distinguished career, a distinguished painter. For many, it conjures up images of a sharply dressed, handsome man.

How can I use distinguished : She had a long and distinguished career. He went on to become one of the most distinguished classical scholars of his generation. His long and distinguished legal career contained numerous notable moments. It is also encouraging that a distinguished academic press has published such a book on such a subject.