What is the best annual salary?
To reach the top 1 percent of earners, you would need a monthly take-home salary of 7.190 euros. This is equivalent to an annual net income of almost 86.000 euros, after taxes, or an annual gross salary of around 150.000 euros.A salary between €64,000 and €70,000 gross a year is considered a good salary in Germany. For a single person, this means roughly €40,000 to €43,000 euros net a year or between €3,300 and €3,600 euros net a month.A good salary in Germany not only depends on your lifestyle but also on where you live as the cost of living differs from city to city. A good annual gross salary in Germany is between €64,000 to €81,000. But most Germans who earn a yearly gross salary of €60,000 and above are happy with their salary.

How many people earn 100k in Germany : Across Germany, 6 per cent of employees are earning more than €100,000, according to Stepstone's own salary data. The highest proportions of top earners are in Hamburg and Hesse, where 8 per cent are earning more than €100,000.

Is 75k EUR a good salary in Germany

A good annual gross salary in Germany is between €64,000 to €81,000. But most Germans who earn a yearly gross salary of €60,000 and above are happy with their salary.

Is 80000 eur a good salary in Germany : 80,000 is a very good salary in Germany. But not all cities in Germany have similar living cost. For example the Munich area is very expensive, sometimes twice as expensive compared to other cities. So for example in my state of Lower Saxony.

200k Euro, even if gross, is a VERY good salary. It is the kind of money a physician MIGHT make who is head of a mid-sized to large surgical department, or runs a VERY successful private practice in a part of town with many privately insured / rich patients.

In its most recent figures from December 2021, the Institute for German Economy (IW) found that a single person earning €3,700 a month after taxes qualifies as rich, as that puts them in the top ten percent of earners in the country.

How many people earn over 100k in Germany

Across Germany, 6 per cent of employees are earning more than €100,000, according to Stepstone's own salary data. The highest proportions of top earners are in Hamburg and Hesse, where 8 per cent are earning more than €100,000.120000 EUR is considered a high salary in Berlin, as the average income in the city is around 50,000 EUR per year. This salary would put you in the top 10% of earners in Berlin. With this salary, you would be able to live comfortably and afford a high standard of living in the city.The average salary in Germany in 2019 was 47.9K Euro. 80K is much higher than an average, so you definitely can tell that it is “good”.