Why inline scripting is not recommended in HTML?
The build-up of the inline CSS styles often translates into code duplication, making the project harder to maintain when the same style needs to be changed in several places. The same applies to the inline JavaScript snippets, as they cannot be reused across Screens or Web Blocks.The "Inline JavaScript" filter reduces the number of requests made by a web page by inserting the contents of small external JavaScript resources directly into the HTML document. This can reduce the time it takes to display content to the user, especially in older browsers.The script tag should either be included between the <head> tags or just before the closing <body> tag in your HTML document. JavaScript is often placed before the closing body tag to help reduce the page loading time.

What is inline function in HTML : Inline elements display in a line. They do not force the text after them to a new line. An anchor (or link) is an example of an inline element. You can put several links in a row, and they will display in a line.

Is inline JavaScript unsafe

Content Security Policy is a security mechanism to block attacker injected scripts. Content Security Policy disallows ALL inline javascript (and requiring you to make whitelists of external URLs that you load javascript from.) So when using Content Security Policy, all javascript must come from those trusted sources.

Why inline and tag based CSS are not recommended : Because inline styles only affect the tag they are written in, it can be hard to make changes. If you have written the same style 20 times in 20 different <div> tags, you must edit each of those places whenever you want to make a trivial change. This can be exhausting!

The <script> tag can be placed anywhere in the HTML document, whether it's in the <head> , <body> , or even within a <div> . The specific location depends on the functionality of the JavaScript file being imported and the loading order requirements.

The traditional recommendation of placing script tags at the bottom of the HTML document stems from several reasons: Page Loading Performance: Placing script tags at the bottom allows the browser to load and render the HTML, CSS, and other content first, without being delayed by JavaScript execution.

What is inline scripting

Enable users with coding experience to write inline scripts that set and modify input values during the configuration of an action or flow.An input element is inline-block by default, not inline . On the other hand, an element such as a span , is inline by default. The width / height of an inline-block element, such as input can be changed (example).Inline styles might pose security risks by allowing injection attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS).

When you put 'unsafe-inline' in the script-src of a content security policy, you are effectively disabling the most important part of content security policy. Content Security Policy was built to combat Cross Site Scripting by requiring that you can only load javascript from a specifically trusted origins.

Why should we avoid using inline styles : One of the biggest problems with inline styles is that they make your code harder to maintain and update. If you want to change the appearance of your web page, you have to edit every single element that has a style attribute, instead of modifying one external or internal style sheet.

Should I use inline styles in HTML : Sometimes, inline styles are necessary. If you are building a web page by hand, however, you should avoid them whenever possible. Using a separate CSS file is the most powerful and flexible method.

Can I have 2 scripts in HTML

An HTML page can contain multiple <script>tage in the <head> or <body>tag. The browser executes all the scripts tags, starting from the first scripts tag from the beginning.

If I'm reading this question correctly, it leads to one thing: No HTML inside script tags. These tags wrap native JavaScript. The browser is no longer expecting HTML, which is why we have to compose (or generate) strings of HTML then insert them into the DOM tree, where the browser interprets it as HTML.Page Loading Performance: Placing script tags at the bottom allows the browser to load and render the HTML, CSS, and other content first, without being delayed by JavaScript execution. This can result in faster page loading times, especially for larger JavaScript files.

What is the best way to add script in HTML : The <script> tag can be placed in the <head> section of your HTML or in the <body> section, depending on when you want the JavaScript to load. Generally, JavaScript code can go inside of the document <head> section in order to keep them contained and out of the main content of your HTML document.