Will euro work in Poland?
Can you use euros in Poland Although the local currency in Poland is the zloty, you may find stores, restaurants and hotels in major cities or around the borders will also accept euro payments.Despite the Polish government under Prime Minister Donald Tusk having favoured euro adoption in 2012, it however did not have the required two-thirds majority in the Sejm to amend the constitution to make it legally compatible with euro adoption, due to the opposition of the Law and Justice Party to the euro.Poland has been a member of the European Union since 1 May 2004 under the Accession Treaty signed in Athens on 16 April 2003. As a member state, Poland has the power to influence EU decisions. The European Union is an economic and political union between 27 EU countries that together cover much of the continent.

Does Germany benefit from the EU : At the same time, according to the government in Berlin, Germany benefits the most from the EU single market, gaining more than five times as much from it, some EUR 132 billion a year. When asked by the DPA about Germany's specific contributions to the EU budget, the Commission declined to comment on the figures.

Can you pay with Euros in Warsaw

Unfortunately, in most places in Poland it isn't possible to pay with any currency different from Polish Złoty. Shops, restaurants, hotels or museums don't accept EUR, GBP, USD or any other currencies.

Do you pay in euro or zloty : You will be always better off paying in the local currency (here: Polish zloty). If you are offered payment in your own currency, using the so called "dynamic currency conversion", the amount will be calculated using a very bad exchange rate. Most probably the receptionist did you a favour by charging you in PLN.

On 7 October 2021, Poland's Constitutional Tribunal ruled that some provisions of EU treaties and EU court rulings clashed with the Constitution of Poland, asserting that EU institutions [were acting] beyond the scope of their competences; effectively rejecting the notion of primacy of EU law.

When i comes to clothes/perfume shopping, Warsaw offers excellent shopping possibilities but the prices are not much different than in other countries. Berlin probably has better choice than other Polish cities apart from Warsaw. Regarding other things, Poland is probably one of the cheapest countries in the EU.

Does Poland want out of EU

There are currently no left-wing, left-of-centre or centrist parties represented in parliament endorsing Polexit, and their electorate's support for withdrawal from the European Union is negligible.Currently, the Schengen area consists of 26 European countries (of which 22 are EU states): Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland and Sweden, along with Iceland, …In the European Union, Luxembourg, Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden come out on top as the wealthiest countries per capita.


Aggregated over the period 1999 to 2017, the euro has led to increases in prosperity in Germany of € 1.9 trillion overall or € 23,116 per capita. Thus, out of the countries examined, Germany has gained most from the euro.

Do you pay in euro or złoty : You will be always better off paying in the local currency (here: Polish zloty). If you are offered payment in your own currency, using the so called "dynamic currency conversion", the amount will be calculated using a very bad exchange rate. Most probably the receptionist did you a favour by charging you in PLN.

What currency should I use in Poland : The Polish zloty

The Polish zloty is the official currency of Poland. It's pronounced zwo-ti.

Can you pay with euros in Warsaw

Unfortunately, in most places in Poland it isn't possible to pay with any currency different from Polish Złoty. Shops, restaurants, hotels or museums don't accept EUR, GBP, USD or any other currencies.

Several states have political parties represented in national assemblies or the European Parliament that advocate withdrawal from the EU. As of 2022, no country other than the United Kingdom has voted on whether to withdraw from the EU.German finance minister Christian Lindner said that the country's economy would be ruined as the EU single market is of “utmost importance” for Germany- Europe's biggest economy. This would be the worst possible scenario for export-dependent Germany, he said, adding, “It would ruin our economy.

Is Germany cheaper than Poland : Cost of Living: Poland generally has a lower cost of living compared to Germany, particularly in terms of housing and daily expenses.